Adding Back Buttons to VirtueMart 1.1 Account Maintenance pages - Joomla & VirtueMart Tips & How To's

How to add back - return buttons to the bottom of the Joomla VirtueMart 1.1 Account Maintenance Shipping & Billing Address pages.

Home Joomla VirtueMart Tips Adding Back Buttons to VirtueMart 1.1 Account Maintenance pages




Adding Back Buttons to VirtueMart 1.1 Account Maintenance pages
  • Joomla 1.0 & 1.5
  • Virtuemart 1.1

When the customers of VirtueMart alter their Account Information or Shipping Address it is nice to have a "Back" button along side the submit button for when the want to just check their info without altering it.

Part of the "delight" of Virtuemart is finding where the coding
is done for any particular element.
virtuemart account maintenance back button

As the documentation of VirtueMart leaves a lot to be desired for the average code hacker I document here where to find the 2 files needed to add "Back" buttons to the Account Maintenance dialogues.

For the Shipping Address update open in your editor the file - joomla_root/components/com_virtuemart\themes\default\templates\pages\account.shipto.tpl.php and go to line 74.
Add after the submit button the following -
<a href="<?php $sess->purl( SECUREURL."index.php?page=$next_page" ) ?>" class="button"> <?php echo $VM_LANG->_('BACK') ?> </a>
For the Billing Address update open in your editor the file - joomla_root/components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/pages/account.billing.tpl.php and to line 39.
<a href="<?php $sess->purl( SECUREURL."index.php?page=$next_page" ) ?>" class="button"> <?php echo $VM_LANG->_('BACK') ?> </a>

Then you have some back buttons at the end of the page....
virtuemart account maintenance back button
Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 May 2009 21:15
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Adding Back Buttons to VirtueMart 1.1 Account Maintenance pages|Joomla & VirtueMart Tips & How To's

How to add back - return buttons to the bottom of the Joomla VirtueMart 1.1 Account Maintenance Shipping & Billing Address pages.

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